Moral Judjment and Conscious Judjment  

Posted by Omkar

There is a clear difference between the moral judjment which tends to define life expression
towards predefine rules and system values and the judjment that life intelligence uses upon itself.

First lets look into the definition of LAW.
It is an intelligence pattern that regulates, through repetition, the flow of energy within a system sustaining so the continuity of the pattern at work.

Then we can look into the distinction between Moral and Tribal law in our human society.
Moral law is a law casted into the consciousness of the individual by the religious and ethic belief system of the human group we are looking into. Usually these belief systems are either teached, dictaded or subliminally transmitted.
Each of the medium has been used by every kind human group existed and existing. They represent the borders that identify the group, they are the map which allows the individual to being recognized by the other members of the group, and they are the backbone of the language used within the group. They define the collective intelligence of the group itself.

Moral law is build upon taboos, say: attitudes which threaten the survival of the belief's system.
Taboos are build upon life experiences which are denied by the Morality of the group.
Life flow is therefore regulated by an installed collective psicological control mechanism.

Tribal Law is innate of a free man.
Is innate in every form of life which stays in tune with its own nature. It has limitations and guidance protocols, that allow the individual to follow its own pattern and flow into the collective he lives in.
It is discovered mostly by a deep listening of life teachings, and its found at the core of ones spirit.
It looks like it follows the same principles of the moral law, but it doesn't.
The most relevant point of difference is that moral law seeks to replicate itself, as the organization of belief system it protects.
Tribal Law it doesn't, it defend the collective larger interest yes, but it is born within the boundaries of the experience of freedom in each of its member.

Therefore moral judgments, judges life's expression from a belief system, a mere prospective, while tribal life judges, more properly evaluates life, through life's eyes itself, from the awareness of the attitudes innate in each life forms: opportunism, life preservation self limiting behaviors, support, and survival.
It is so a manifestation of intelligence that sustains the healthy baundaries in which freedom expresses itself, in opposite to controlling it as is the case of the moral law.

This entry was posted on Sunday, February 17, 2008 at 7:28 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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